
Only genuine certificates have real value!

All ÖSD certificates are globally recognized official and legally protected documents with copyright. Protect yourself from forgeries!

There are many fraud attempts related to fake German certificates on the internet, in chat forums, on social media platforms, and in messaging services.
Using a fake certificate is a violation of applicable law and can have criminal consequences.


↓ Consequences of fake certificates ↓

Consequences of fake certificates


Internet users are deceived with fraudulent intent. For illegal and thus worthless “certificates” (excessive) amounts of money are demanded.


The organised trade and the use of forged certificates are a criminal act and will lead to a police report.

Lifetime ban

Anyone who wants to use forged certificates risks a permanent ban from taking ÖSD German exams to obtain real certificates.

Recognising forgeries – here's what you should look out for

Requirements for a real German certificate:


  • Is the provider on our list of licensed ÖSD exam centres? You can find these under: Search for exam centres
  • For a real ÖSD certificate, you can only take the ÖSD exam in person.
  • Never give your ÖSD registration data to an unknown provider.

Such promises are illegal:


  • A provider sells “original” ÖSD certificates with or without an exam.
  • You are guaranteed that you will pass the German exam.
  • Someone offers to take the exam for you for a fee.
  • You are offered that the exam registration is taken for you against payment.

Over 400 licensed exam centres worldwide.

You are still unsure? In the list of our worldwide ÖSD exam centres you will find all officially licensed institutions.

Find an official exam centre

Buying a German certificate – Beware of forgers and scammers

You would like to buy a German certificate?

The idea of buying a certificate without taking an exam may seem tempting. However, this is not a solution and may have legal consequences.

Buying a German certificate is not worth it!

There are numerous offers circulating on the internet that promise to award a German certificate without an exam. However, these offers are not only illegal, but also dubious. You risk not only your money but also legal consequences if you get involved in such shady dealings.

The reality: No certificate without an exam!

Obtaining a German certificate requires time and commitment. It is not possible to obtain a recognised certificate without taking an exam. These exams are important to ensure that you really have the required language skills shown on the certificate.

Our recommendation: Contact official examination centres.

On our website you will find comprehensive information on where and how to take exams. Only contact official ÖSD exam centres listed on our website: Find an exam centre

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

  • What is the ÖSD?
    The ÖSD is a non-profit organization which develops internationally recognized exams for German as a foreign or second language. "ÖSD" stands for "Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch" as well as "Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland" (Austria, Switzerland, Germany). Our exams are communicative- and pluricentric-oriented, cover all levels (A1–C2) corresponding to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and incorporate different standard variations of the German language.
  • Which exam should I take?
    Our free online sample tests will assist you in finding the particular level best fitting your abilities. After registering, the exam centre of your choice will offer advice and guidance on exam preparation.
  • What do I need to register for an exam?
    A valid identity document (passport, identity card, etc.) is required for registration. For further information, please contact your respective ÖSD exam centre.
  • Where and when can I register for an exam?
    Simply choose an exam centre and register with them directly to receive all information pertaining to the exam and registration period.
  • How much does the exam cost?
    Exam fees vary, depending upon the level of the exam, the country where you wish to take the exam and the exam centre. Please contact your exam centre directly to find out about individual fees.
  • How can I prepare for an ÖSD exam?
    In any case, you should familiarize yourself with the respective exam and the corresponding tasks. Many ÖSD examination centers offer targeted preparation courses for individual exams. In addition, ÖSD offers you further tools to prepare for your exam:  
    • Take a look at the respective sample tests before you sit for the exam. This will give you a first impression of how an ÖSD exam is structured.
    • We also recommend our practice materials. In addition to our existing sample tests containing solutions, these provide further practice tests, comments on the exams with advice on solving them, general information on the exams and an audio CD with listening texts.
    • Test-Training digital gives you an insight into our exams. In addition, you can also try them online.
    • Finally, ÖSD offers the possibility of taking a mock exam, where your performance will be evaluated by our ÖSD experts just like in a real exam. You will not only receive a grade, but also detailed feedback on your performance and experience an authentic exam situation.