Each ÖSD examination centre requires – depending on the respective license type and the respective examination offer – trained ÖSD examiners. Below you will find information on how you as an examination centre can have your teaching staff trained as ÖSD examiners or how you can register as an individual for ÖSD training and receive an examiner license.
If you have any further questions, you can also contact us directly: We’re here to help!
An ÖSD examiner license has many advantages
- Like the language certificates of the ÖSD, the examiner licenses are internationally appreciated.
- You are not bound to a single ÖSD examination centre in your examination and assessment activities.
- As part of the training and education, you will gain deep insights into testing and examination.
- The examiner license is an added value for your CV and a building block for personal further training.
There are different ÖSD examiner and rater licenses. For each examination level and examination offer (ZA1 to ZC2, KID exams, etc.), you can complete training for the implementation and evaluation of the written exam parts (ÖSD rater license written) as well as training for holding the oral exam (ÖSD examiner license oral).
2. Phases of Training and Renewal of Examiner Authorization
For each ÖSD exam there is a training module for the implementation and assessment of a) the written and b) the oral exam.
The training for ÖSD examiners consists of three “phases” per training module. The so-called pre-qualification refers to the independent preparation, followed by the presence phase online. You then have two months to submit the so-called initial qualification, in which two performance examples must be evaluated.
1.) Pre-qualification (asynchronous self-learning phase)
You will receive an invitation to process the pre-qualification documents in good time before the training day. As part of this, you are expected to familiarize yourself with the relevant exams of the ÖSD and evaluate and assess them independently and individually. Extensive preparatory materials and learning videos are available to you on an online platform, which you can work on anytime and anywhere.
You should plan enough time for the pre-qualification (approx. 3–4 hours per examination module, i.e., approx. 6–8 hours if you register for training for the written and oral examination module).
The positive and timely completion of the pre-qualification is a prerequisite for participation in the training.
2.) Training (synchronous phase in the group)
The synchronous face-to-face phase of our training courses usually takes place online, but can also take place analogously, i.e., take place in direct presence. The individual training modules (written or oral) usually take about 3 hours, so the examiner training for the written and oral exam takes one day per exam format.
In this synchronous presence phase, the content conveyed in the learning videos and other materials provided will be briefly repeated, after which you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Subsequently, the assessments of the written and oral performances that were processed as part of the pre-qualification are discussed. All participants will receive a detailed training program by email approx. 2 days before the training date.
3.) Initial qualification (submission of trial assessments)
After the training, you have two months to complete the initial qualification. To do this, you must evaluate two specified written or oral examinations for the respective module. If your test assessment corresponds to the ÖSD guidelines, an ÖSD examiner license for this examination module will be granted. Finally, you will also receive a corresponding certificate that shows your individual examiner number as well as the module of exams that you can now give and evaluate.
Please note that at least 3 weeks must be scheduled between the submission of the documents for the initial qualification and any assignment as an ÖSD examiner.
4.) Follow-up qualification/renewal of examiner licenses
ÖSD examiner licenses are valid for 3 years from the date of issue. The period of validity is noted on the license. After the period of validity has expired, you must extend each of your examiner licenses with the so-called follow-up qualification to be able to continue to examine and evaluate the respective examination format in writing or orally.
You must evaluate one authentic examination per examination format and module. If the assessment corresponds to the ÖSD specifications, the respective examiner license will be extended for a further 3 years. If the follow-up qualification is not submitted or not completed positively, the respective examiner license expires. If a renewal is sought (e.g., after a longer period without a valid examiner license), the ÖSD decides on a case-by-case basis whether only the follow-up qualification needs to be submitted or whether the entire training process needs to be repeated.
Training Dates ZB2 PMB (Written Exam Module / Oral Exam Module)
Date: 20.03.2025
Written: 10:00 – 12:30
Oral: 13:00 – 15:00
Date: 10.04.2025
Written: 10:00 – 12:30
Oral: 13:00 – 15:00
Date: 08.05.2025
Written: 10:00 – 12:30
Oral: 13:00 – 15:00
Date: 12.06.2025
Written: 10:00 – 12:30
Oral: 13:00 – 15:00
Training Dates ZC1 (Written Exam Module / Oral Exam Module)
Date: 21.02.2025
Written: 09:00 – 12:45
Oral: 13:30 – 17:00
Date: 07.05.2025
Written: –
Oral: 10:00 – 14:00
Date: 09.05.2025
Written: 09:00 – 12:45
Oral: 13:30 – 17:00