12. October 2023
Examination centre Abendgymnasium Salzburg paves educational pathways
All beginnings are difficult, especially for all those who could not complete a conventional school…
On April 17, 2023, our multiplier event of the Fit4DigiLinE project took place at the Alpen-Adria-Universität and on the premises of the ÖSD in Klagenfurt.
The keynote lecture was given by Dr. Manuela Glaboniat on the topic of digitalization in the educational context.
The project was then presented by Dr. Christina Glinik and Florian Nimmrichter. There was also an interactive workshop where participants could share their teaching experiences.
Around 20 students from the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt took part in the event. They are all student teachers and most of them are already teaching German as a foreign language. About 10 other participants were experienced teachers or employees from the education sector.
After a short break we moved the event to the premises of the ÖSD where we had a small buffet and enjoyed productive networking.
We also provided some workspaces where the participants could try out the tools.
The lectures were recorded and can be viewed on our YouTube channel:
Keynote lecture by Dr. Manuela Glaboniat on the topic of digitalization in the educational context: https://youtu.be/CmL-0pEd-Dk (in German)
Project presentation by Dr. Christina Glinik and Florian Nimmrichter: https://youtu.be/iCbuhoEE9v4 (in German)
More information about the project is available here: https://www.fit4digiline.eu/